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EXPANDING brands and stories INTO VISUAL, DIGITAL & 

tangible creative EXPERIENCES 

G R A P H I C   D E S I G N      •      B R A N D I N G      •      P R E S E N T A T I O N   D E S I G N       •

 B R A N D   E X P E R I E N C E      •       P H O T O G R A P H Y      •      V I D E O G R A P H Y        •  

I N T E R I O R   D E S I G N      •      S P A C I A L   D E S I G N      •      A I   I M A G E   G E N E R A T I O N      • 


hi, i'm


A multidisciplinary designer based on Long Island, NY, with a passion for storytelling, a love for beautiful aesthetics and a talent for uncovering deeper meanings—whether in the world around me or at the heart of a brand. With a trained interior design eye, a strong foundation in visual communication, and a background in experiential design, I bring ideas to life through visual, digital, and tangible experiences.


Graphic Design & Branding

Graphic Design & Branding

Visual Content Creation

Visual Content Creation

Brand Development & Experience

Brand Development & Experience

Interior & Spacial Design

Interior & Spacial Design

Photography & Video

Photography & Video

Event Design

Event Design

Hilly Landscape
Testimonial Envelope Embossed.png
White Notecard

"I had two follow up conversations that commented on how strong our decks were visually. They specifically called out how beautifully designed our deck was, how it was spot-on with the new brand imagery and how with that deck it was crystal clear that we understood their brand and how special it was, and also cared enough about them to do the entire deck in "their brand imagery". I can't thank you enough for making these decks SING FOR US! It makes such an impact."


- Pitch Feedback from PR Agency

Executive Vice President & Client -

behind my eyes


Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I pause to reflect, write and capture the beauty in life’s quieter, in-between moments. Here, you’ll find a collection of thoughts, recipes I love, and small creative projects that make my heart happy. My hope is that these reflections spark inspiration, encourage you to notice the beauty in your own life, or simply offer a cozy place to linger awhile.

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Have an idea you’re excited about? 
Whether it’s brainstorming a fresh look for your brand, designing something special, or just saying hello, I’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form below, and let’s see what we can create!





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Made with ♥ in New York

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